Sunday, December 30, 2012


This year is almost ending. It has been a wonderful blessed year. Rather than a list a goals, I'm thinking in a list of gratitude. My God YHWH is pure love and all mighty, I'm beyond blessed for each day of this year.
I spiritually lean to you, the goals I might have are more in spiritual actitivities to honor you.

I feel marvelous how we are create, in each part of our body,  how every function tissue is connected, be able to walk, to see, disgest our food, to breathe. Be able to shared all my life with my parents, brother and his sweet girlfriend (her family), my familly, my hubby's family, their health most of them, my neat house, my bedroom, my bed, my tv I brought long time ago from my paid job and watch my favorite tv show.  The health of my parents again, our amazing trips in our country. For my lonliness times who lead to wake up my creative spirit and awakening searching. Thanks for the sense of responsability and honesty of my family in the path of  in our life, for the family and friends gathering in the importants event in our life. Infinite gratitude for the wonderful person I have in my life my husband Chris and the amazing moments of each day we have.           My wishes for friends and the people out there I hope you find what you are searching and make good for your family and your community.
