Sunday, July 29, 2012


Every day I'm amazed to see pictures and world landscape or all territory of our planet. I haven't experienced a lot of travel but with all pictures you almost feel there. The following pictures is about some of the most courious and real places in the world , in my understanding.

 I remember I heard long long time ago about this simulate beach. If  I was there , I would be missing the pure breeze and the brave splash waves but i would be  really enjoy the water. I'm sweeting :-) right now.

 This must be a place like no other, hots springs, turquoise and white cliffs, it would be like take tub's bath in unknown place.(Pamukkale, in Turkish)

 You may say too much!!,  would you be appetizing eating in a toilet plate, table and chair ? I guess some people does, cuz food its what count. (Toilet Restaurant, Taiwan)

 The crooked House, you may think is photoshop... no, its real, located in Sopot, Poland.

 As I love reading and books, this building is awesome. (USA)

 This got my attention and touch me hard... in Manila,  Philippines boys and girls playing in a cementery, but not only playing they live there. Ours countrys facing poverty is sad and real. The memorable thing is the innocent enough kids doesn't feel fear or scared about being near of dead people buried, and they right because dead people can't hurt us. (Ecclesiates 9:5)
Ecclesiastes 9:5
 For the living know that they will die,
    but the dead know nothing;
they have no further reward,
    and even their name is forgotten.

(Picture credit : Google.-)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Little Creation

This week I made some handcrafting pieces (ribbon, thread and button).
My mother used to work creating beautiful home accessoris and sell it to the big stores, even when sewing is not my thing, I remember I did some pron and cushion with embroidery thread in my school years.

 It is a simple white cotton shirt. Flowers can be remove when it needs to watch. We can see bold colors in this summer season. I’m more into Orange-blue from the variety of fearless wearing schemes. The other piece is a necklace I will post more ahead..

Ps.  After I finished my creation snack some Hummus i made, with some little piece of bread.

The process of creation in our life start with just one idea , sometimes is pretty clear the final result in our mind, you say to yourself or write down and then do little steps action to our goal.  Of course is valid ask ourselves am I creating in a way Yehovah could be pleasant? (Proverbs 3:5,6)



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Discover The World

I know Google reader has some quiet time available in internet. I personally subscribed this year. This is a pretty cool and practical tool; you can have all your favorite blogs and websites and built your own newspaper in your screen.

The old time marking favorite WebPages in the explorer are gone. With FB you can have preview headlines and with Google Reader the whole information. I confess I´ve spending more time checking out GR than FB.

As I was super busy in the begging of the year, last month I finished transfer the rest of the blogs and websites and categorizing by subjects files. Right now  I have blogs about fashion, make up, motherhood, food and recipes, psychology, spirituality, this are the things that inspire me which I enjoy to dig in. I can definitely say I have been exploring some of the best blogs in the world.

A little view from my personal Google Reader's favorite:

Shakespeare in Love :-), It is  Tales of me and the Husband,  a review from this blog episode The Bachelorette( Emily ), One of my favorites, I'm such a romantic.

                            off course  :-;

In the time I have been using GR, I have learned a lot and meditative in different articles, maybe we are not a 8G memory to remember our new world media encyclopedia but always remain something and we can built a new approach view to our life. Internet is a wonderful tool with all the information in our reach you have the power to use it in a positive way.

