Monday, October 7, 2013

Purpose in Life - Lines of Reflection

The other day I was studying 2 question for our gathering bible study, I stumble with this website talking about purpose in life.  Purpose it is most common use in terms of our desires and  acquisitive-carnal world. The lecture make you really immerse, be reflective in our goals and purpose in spiritually terms. 

I really was inspired by the following text from The Character of Purpose By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir :

Purpose means knowing who we are in Christ and what He has done for us, then acting out our relationship and redemption by being obedient to God's will. It is the pursuit of God so He becomes the driving force, inspiration, motivation, and reason for all we do in life. That is, we devote our life, character, virtue, Spiritual Gifts, abilities, and call so the best can be realized in all people and all situations. The meaning of life is not about career, money, or power; it is about relationships and developing character.
 We must realize our circumstances are temporary. Our life here and now is not the ultimate purpose for our lives or God's plan. We are in the process of learning and growing. Our situations and relationships will grow and change, while new opportunities will be brought to us; but, most importantly of all, our ultimate meaning of life will have eternal treasure and results. We will be able to take our eyes off our problems, place them on Christ, and follow His lead for more impact and meaning in life that will bring more hope and contentment.
Purpose will bring you a life that has a reason to itGod created you as special and unique; He gave you talents and abilities, and brings you opportunities to use them. Purpose will help you see these aspects, His call, and your prospects. Then you will be willing and able to put your faith into action for His glory. The side effects? A life that is more joyful and content! Yes, there will be ups and downs, but with the Creator on your side, any plans you may have had become insignificant; they would not bring you even close to a life that is meaningful!

That remind me  Matthew 6:33 All things we will be add,  if we seek Him first. This include studying his word and transform our lifestyle and relationships with others. That way we can find peace, fulfillment and a long life.

One of the first quotes I repost in Internet said: When you add Zeros successively to digit one, you get figure whose value increases proportionally; a hundred, a thousand, a million, etc. but without the digit one before them, they are of no value. Similarly God is the number one'' in all the values of life. If  you leave Him out of the picture in life's  pursuits, those pursuits become a string of worthless zeros. Sri Ra.

My layout is based in Matthew 5:1-9, my picture was taken at Arbel Cliff Israel, I had the opportunity to visit this precious land and climbing a lot of mountains and being sitting here make me remind me when Yeshua (Christ )was teaching to the disciples and the people who follow him.  

I want to participate with scrapafrica sketch No.22 and this my final view from it.